Strider Memory Mount


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Your kiddo creates countless cherished memories on their first bike. From the excitement of sitting on the saddle for the first time to watching them glide down the sidewalk with confidence, they are crushing so many milestones. If only they could stay little forever. The Strider Memory Mount displays their bike and organizes important mementos and keepsakes. Even through the teen years, when giggles and cuddles turn to eye rolls and slammed doors, the Strider Memory Mount keeps these early memories fresh in your mind for years to come.

  • Wall mount holds your child’s well-loved 12” Strider Bike to preserve cherished memories
  • Photo frame and medal hanger display special milestones and achievements
  • Secret compartment hides important keepsakes and trinkets

Strider Memory Mount – SKU: MMEMMNT-12-BK, UPC: 848953002340

Compatible with all 12″ Strider Balance Bikes